A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
On Fire 30 - Listening Party 28th November 2019
Join A Head Full of Wishes to listen to the new On Fire | 30 tribute album - you can join in the conversation if you wish either on Twitter using the hashtag #onfire30 - you can also follow @ahfow where I’ll be tweeting some info about the people involved.

Stream the album
The directors commentary
OK - this is what was tweeted during the listening party - I’ve left in the timings so you can listen along!
Welcome to the On Fire | 30 listening party playing an album celebrating the 30th anniversary of Galaxie 500’s mastepiece On Fire - you can hear the full album over here: https://www.fullofwishes.co.uk/articles/on-fire-30-listening-party/ #galaxie500 #onfire30 #listeningparty
I’ll be tweeting along to the whole album - it’ll be close to 50 tweets in about 75 minutes so, if that seems a bit much feel free to make use of Twitter’s MUTE button - but remember to unmute me! Most of the time I’m just three or four tweets a day!! #onfire30
The album is released tomorrow (although most pre-orders are on their way - or already in the hands of buyers) - if you want to order a copy you can from @bandcamp: https://aheadfullofwishes.bandcamp.com/ #onfire30 #galaxie500
What idiot releases an album on #buynothingday!? #onfire30 … and has an #onfire30 #listeningparty on Thanksgiving - I seriously expect this’ll be me talking to myself for an hour!
Feel free to @ me with any Qs - not that I know much but… hey I can pretend I’m knowledgeable.
Ready? Let’s hit play (if you haven’t already)! First up is Blue Thunder by Up Periscope. The band formed in Christchurch NZ in 1996 and moved to London in 1998 - they’ve been operating “under the radar” since! #onfire30 #galaxie500 #listeningparty
Next is Robert Scott from @TheBatsNZ with a fantastic cover of Tell Me - so the first two tracks are by New Zealand artists #onfire30
I’ll send a download to the first person who can describe the short chain of links between Robert Scott and Galaxie 500 (hopefully the chain in my head but if you can get a better one)! #onfire30
This is Spanish band Milton - tbh I don’t know too much about them but since Snowstorm is about my favourite track ever I was never not going to love this - you can find Milton on FB here https://www.facebook.com/MiltonGrupo/ #onfire30
This beauty is Strange by Vacance, a synthpop band from France featuring members of Lokomotiv Sofia and @watoo_watoo #onfire30
Watoo Watoo recorded a fabulous Bossa Nova version of @luna_theband’s Chinatown for the last tribute CD I did back in 2006 - it was a little less well organised than this one! #onfire30
You can check out Vacance on Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/vacancepop #onfire30
Next up is When Will You Come Home by Ron Harrity - this beautiful cover of vintage acoustic guitar and synthy space sounds is another beauty #onfire30
Ron was previously in the very splendid @SlumberlandRecs band Nord Express and also provided a track on my previous tribute album, a lovely version of Cold Night that I’ve included as a bonus download track on #onfire30
Ron’s curent project is An Anderson, you can find them on @bandcamp here https://ananderson.bandcamp.com/ #onfire30
If you’ve just wandered in we’re listening to the On Fire | 30 tribute album - you can join us and stream it here - we’ve just reached Decomposing Trees - but feel free to scroll; back through my tweets and start at the beginning https://www.fullofwishes.co.uk/articles/on-fire-30-listening-party/
Decomposing Trees is covered by the lovely Spanish band The Standby Connection you can find them on @bandcamp here https://thestandbyconnection.bandcamp.com/
Miguel from The Standby Connection has played guitar for Dean & Britta when they’ve played in Europe - there’s a fab video of @deanandbritta playing Indian Summer with Miguel on guitar here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GquuwFlE5cw #onfire30
That also has Sonic Boom providing spacey additions! #onfire30
Monserrat are doing this lovely cover of Another Day youy can find them on facebook here https://www.facebook.com/monserratsuena
I love how Moserrat’s cover just builds - and more synthy space sounds - it’s fantastic! #onfire30
Ahhh @brittaphillips covering Leave The Planet - this is wonderful! I don’t suppose you need me to tell you who Britta is!
You can find Britta on @bandcamp where you can buy her lovely debut solo album Luck or Magic https://brittaphillips.bandcamp.com/
… and obviously you can find Britta on stage with Dean Wareham most every time he plays! #onfire30
Rio Arga have covered Plastic Bird - they’re Spanish, from Pamplona, and they’ve translated it into Spansih - so it’s not a Plastic Bird but a clip in the shape of a heart! #onfire30
Rio Arga describe themselves as “a small band in a small heavy rock town” - they’re on @bandcamp here https://rioarga.bandcamp.com/ and facebook here https://www.facebook.com/rioargapop/
OK sit back and get yourself a cuppa! Isn’t it a Pity is by Llum from Valencia - Llum means light in Valencian (yep that there was a Valencian language was new to me - but… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valencian) #onfire30
Llum is the solo project of Polar’s drummer Jesús Sáez - there are former Polar members on The Standby Connection too - they were great - check them out here https://polartheband.bandcamp.com/
I was chatting to a pal about this cover and we both thought that this felty more like a cover of George Harrison’s original than Galaxie 500’s cover - it’s beauty, all 8 minutes of it! #onfire30
You can find more about Llum on facebook here https://www.facebook.com/llumonline #onfire30
Wait!? Another Blue Thunder? Yep - my original plan was to release the On Fire LP and the Blue Thunder EP as separate discs but opted in the end to have them as one disc. So, we’ve just moved onto the EP here!
So, this is Islandia Nunca Quema providing the w/sax version of Blue Thunder - although, no sax. I love this so much, I love how it builds and I love that voice! #onfire30
You can hear more of Islandia Nunca Quema over here https://islandianuncaquema.bandcamp.com #onfire30
Ghost Transmission provide this fantastic cover of Galaxie 500’s cover of The Red Crayola’s Victory Garden #onfire30
You can find more about Ghost Transmission on facebook https://www.facebook.com/GhostTransmission/ #onfire30
This is Joy Division’s Ceremony via Galaxie 500’s Ceremony and performed by Cápsula de Sueños - check them out on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/capsula_d_s #onfire30
And album closer is this lovely synthy cover of Cold Night by Da Loma - you can find Da Loma over here https://limbostarr.com/web/artist/da-loma #onfire30
Cold Night is probably one of Galaxie 500’s lost gems and this cover is wonderful and wraps up the CD perfectly #onfire30
OK - that’s the CD done but I mentioned earlier that Ron Harrity had covered Cold Night for a tribute CD back 2006 - that is also a wonderfulk version of this rarely heard beauty - and as it’s so good I’ve added it as a digital-only bonus. Enjoy!
And that’s On Fire | 30 in all it’s glory - I hope you’ve enjoyed it and enjoyed listening to it with me - if anyone has obviously! I’m still here. #onfire30
If you’ve loved it enough that you want to own it then head over to bandcamp where you can buy a deluxe CD version with a 28 page 7” single-sized book, a regular CD or as a download https://aheadfullofwishes.bandcamp.com/ #onfire30
If you’ve loved any of the bands please go and support them - hunt them down - they all did this for love so … feel free to give them love back! #onfire30
Thanks again for supporting A Head Full of Wishes - I always used to say that I did it for me and that other folk liking it was a bonus - but that’s possibly a bit of nonsense - the fans make it worth my while! #onfire30