A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
My record collection
[177] Luna live at The Borderline, London in 1993
I’ve written about this show often so apologies for the rehash, but over time this has become one of my favourite Luna shows. I made the recording on my SONY D6C Walkman Professional although the mic was the SONY tie clip mic that came with my previous Walkman recorder - sadly both recorders have passed away… although I still have the mic.

Luna were supporting The Velvet Underground on their 1993 reunion and had a day off in London and so slipped in this show at The Borderline, and what a show! I was partly annoyed at the time at the young woman relentlessly hectoring the band and shouting repeatedly for a song they rather cruelly never actually played - but now, after years of listening to this recording I love the I Want Everything Girl (IWEG) - sometimes it’s things like this that keep a gig in your memories, and it’s worth it for that. It helped I guess that the hectoring, and the band’s response, was all done with such good humour.
The Mailing List didn’t start until the middle of 1995, and I’ve never reliably kept a diary, so sadly don’t have a record of what I thought of the show at the time, but I know that I have never been disappointed in a Luna show and this one, and their other show at The Borderline a couple of years later, are up there with the very best of them.
Dean however, doesn’t agree:
We have our own show at the Borderline in London. I am tired and have had a bit much Guinness. The show is sloppy and the guitars are out of tune but I don’t think anyone noticed. After the show we go back to the Columbia Hotel and sit in the bar.
Dean Wareham's Luna / VU tour diary – 3 June 1993
This was the second, and last, Luna show I recorded. I found that I couldn’t enjoy a gig as much if I was worrying about the recording, so I’d pretty much stopped taping any shows by then, luckily others have carried on making and sharing recordings of their shows, so I have plenty to keep me occupied.
I popped the full show on YouTube a couple of years ago:
Here’s my previous post from fifteen years ago saying pretty much the same thing and with a link to a zip of mp3s if you prefer that.
- Catalogue Number: AHFOW 16/014
- Artist: Luna
- Title: 1993-06-03: Borderline, London, UK
- Notes: Live audience recording
- Format: MC
Previously in my record collection: