A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
My record collection
[172] Galaxie 500 - On Fire (CD)
So this is (almost) the beginning of it all. I first heard Galaxie 500’s On Fire on a tape that Ken gave me. I don’t think it had been released as yet, but that was an occasional perk of knowing people who knew music journalists. I bought this CD as soon as it was available and it was the first Galaxie 500 product I bought… and now here we are, almost 35 years on!

So, this being my only copy of On Fire from 1989 to 1996, when the Box Set was released, and given that a week rarely went by without me listening to it this is a very well worn copy of Galaxie 500’s masterpiece. A well scratched jewel case, a rather battered looking disc, faded spines, and a simple fold out insert with minimal credits and Kramer’s sleeve notes:
THEN there was The Great Chicago Fire. I was there. The stories of how the fire began were wildly contradictory, but I was there. Some people say the fire was started by a stampede of cows. Some say it was just one cow. Some tried to blame it all on someone they didn't like. One fella tried to blame it all on his own brother, just because his brother had stolen away his girlfriend and married her. The wedding took place in Las Vegas. It was a modest affair of about 150 guests, non-denominational (which really pissed off the parents of the bride, but hell, you can't please everybody). During the ceremony, some rotten little punks yelled "Fire! Fire!" and the whole place cleared out in no time. The maid of honor even broke her ankle in two places after being shoved down the altar by the always overly zealous justice of the peace. Well, the ankle was pretty back and the maid of honor had to be shot, and exactly one week later the entire block burned to the ground. Even the bricks burned. But at least nobody tried to blame it on a cow. And the wedding went ahead as planned. And some people actually believe that Nero fiddled as Rome burned, and that he really did look like a badly aging Peter Lorre. On Sunday nights we'd all gather 'round the television set to watch the Disney show, and I would always fall asleep from boredom. But I had a big old Siamese cat named Butch who'd always loved to play with my face moments after my head hit the pillow. So I'd awake startled, sometimes, crying, sometimes covered with blood and crying, staring into the idiot box. Sometimes I'd see Walt himself, sometimes Mickey or Goofy. But sometime I'd see a thousand bright blue caribou racing a dust storm to the finish line, neck and neck all the way like nature's own Indy 500! Flesh and blood against the elements! And I remember wondering to myself, "Why are they racing?" THEN one fine day I understood why the race took place. It was because the hairs on those caribou necks were being tickled by the instinctual knowledge of a fire raging not too far away, and most certainly headed this way. Humans often get the same feeling...like an oddly warm breeze malevolently fueled by the maddening flames behind it. Come ride the fiery breeze of GALAXIE 500!
Kramer, NYC, July 1989
… still riding that fiery breeze.
- Catalogue Number: AHFOW 10/056
- Artist: Galaxie 500
- Title: On Fire
- Packaging: Jewel case
- Format: CD
- Buy ‘On Fire’ on Bandcamp
Previously in my record collection: