A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
Update on the Bandbox situation
In his latest newsletter Dean has posted an update on the current state of play with regards to the Bandbox live Luna releases:
I know some of you are still waiting on your copies of Live Rendezvous or other titles, and you may have received an email from them about this. There is a court date later this month, where physical assets (thousands of LPs in the Bandbox warehouse) will formally be transferred by the receiver to another company who say they will ship the orders. We know that Live Bewitched and Live Penthouse should be part of that deal. Live Rendezvous LPs however, are still at the pressing plant in Georgia – they were never shipped to Bandbox due to several unpaid bills. I am in touch with the owner of the plant, he has informed me he cannot do anything till he gets an official letter from the receiver clarifying exactly who owns those records, and he's also hoping to get a list of everyone who bought the LP. At that point, we'll try to come up with a plan to get those Rendezvous LPs delivered.
Dean Wareham - Newsletter (4th June 2024)