A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
My record collection
[142] Luna on The Late Late Show, June 2000 (VHS)
After no (national) TV ever, suddenly in the wake of the problematic “The Days of Our Nights” Luna started getting surprising TV exposure. This is a VHS of their performance on Craig Kilborn’s Late Late Show broadcast in the early hours of the 9th June 2000.

Jeff posted on the Galaxie 500 Mailing List as it was on air…
Watching Luna right now (just happened to be up.) The guitars sound great. Dean's vocals are pretty awful. Nowhere near as good as in concert.
They're doing Four Thousand Days. It sounds kind of poppy and jangly. Almost like a single. Maybe?
They're actually giving a few shots to Britta. I noticed in the Cynthia Garret show, they almost never showed her on close up.
Doh! It's over, just one song, no follow up, no meet the band, no plug the album. Oh well.
Jeff on The Galaxie 500 Mailing List - 9th June 2000 01:37
You can see the performance on YouTube.
- Catalogue Number: AHFOW 13/014
- Artist: Luna
- Title: Luna on Craig Kilborn’s Late Late Show
- Format: VHS
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