A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
My record collection
[135] Magic Hour - No Excess is Absurd (LP)
As hinted at in my previous post about Magic Hour’s No Excess is Absurd there was a coloured vinyl copy coming your way. Well this is it, a rather lovely purple slab.

I also suggested in that post that I might come up with something more insightful to write about the album, but I’m not sure that I have. Magic Hour released three albums, I have four copies of this one (so there’s one more chance for that insightful post), but I don’t actually have a copy of their third one. I suspect because, while the first two were released by UK label Che as well as Wayne and Kate’s own label Twisted Village, Secession 96 only got released on Twisted Village and copies were scarce (in the UK) and pricey when I last looked.
While I like all three albums I probably do like No Excess the best, and not just because of Naomi’s only vocal contribution to Magic Hour’s oeuvre (although that certainly helps, since it means it’s the one I tend to reach for).
The sleeve is a frame taken from Harry Smith’s Film No.7: Color Study - the film was silent but someone has popped his “early abstractions” on YouTube with a custom soundtrack.
- Catalogue Number: AHFOW 10/066
- Artist: Magic Hour
- Title: No Excess is Absurd
- Notes: Purple viny;
- Format: LP
- Bought on Discogs in 2012 for €5.55 (plus postage)
Previously in my record collection: