A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
My record collection
[131] Luna at The Underworld February 1992 (MC)
This is the master cassette of my recording of Luna’s first ever London show at The Underworld in February 1992.

I’ve covered this show on AHFoW many times before so this’ll be a brief one I guess - for the most in-depth description I guess this post from four years ago is porbably the best place to start - Luna’s first London show, 27th February 1992. But if you can’t be bothered here are some bullet points…
- I had a new Walkman Pro but didn’t know how to use it - this was my first recording with it and for the most part sounds awful
- Joe recorded it on a much cheaper, mono tape recorder - but it sounds much better!
- Grasshopper of Mercury Rev played guitar
The post linked above has full downloads of both mine and Joe’s recordings and plenty more about the show - it’s pretty much a cut and paste of this one from the show’s 25th anniversary which doesn’t have the full recordings but might be a bit different!
- Catalogue Number: AHFOW 16/015
- Artist: Luna
- Title: 1992-02-27: Underworld, London, UK
- Format: Cassette