A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
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[130] Circuit (9) - DVD
Circuit was a DVD music magazine that ran for a few issues from 1999, Circuit (9) may have been the last edittion, and features two short films by film-maker Matthew Buzzell, one of which is Dean Wareham: Psycho Babble

As well as the film there is a director’s commentary where Matthew explains how the film was shot. He also mentions that after it was screened at the NXNW film festival in October 2000 that someone on the internet suggested it was scripted. The someone was Ted, and the “internet” was actually my Galaxie 500 mailing list - here’s what Ted had to say:
It was Dean in a scripted ramble about psychoanalysis, accompanied by live footage/sound of "Pup Tent."
He talked about the time his Dad was so angry before embarking on a family vacation that he sledgehammered the station wagon, and the way that men's love interests DO remind them of their mothers, which becomes a problem as sexual desire drifts into committed love.
I don't know about the truth of his monologues; I think they were meant as little brain teasers. He came off a little self-conscious, but I think that was the "theatrical" feel they were going for.
That's all I know about it.
Ted Mitchner - The Galaxie 500 Mailing List - 11th October 2000
Matthew takes pains to point out that the film wasn’t scripted, and Dean concurs in Black Postcards:
We arrived back at the Hollywood Roosevelt around midnight and got down to the business of making the film - Psychobabble. There was no plot and no script. Matthew made it up as he went along.
Dean Wareham - Black Postcards
I’ve posted more about the film when I shared it back in 2012
I’ve also ripped the director’s commentary to an mp3 if you want to hear that.
The DVD has another short film by Matthew Daniel Johnston - Rock. It also has items about Rufus Wainright, Steven Malkmus, Soft Machine and Mayo Thompson/Red [KC]rayola.
- Catalogue Number: AHFOW 13/010
- Artist: Various
- Title: Circuit (9)
- Notes: DVD magazine
- Packaging: Card DVD sleeve
- Format: DVD