A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
My record collection
[112] Various Artists - What Else Do You Do
This is one of two copies of What Else Do You Do (a compilation of quiet music) this is the Shimmy Disc release and comes in a… salmon(?) coloured sleeve. It contains Dean Wareham’s first recording of Smile - a track that later turned up on Lunapark.

The album contains all the usual Shimmy Disc suspects - Pale Face, Bongwater, The Tinklers, Dogbowl, Tuli Kupferberg etc. etc.
Tuli Kupferberg also provided the front cover cartoon (that gives its name to the album title) - whenever I mention the sleeve I will invariably moan that Paul is right-handed in the cartoon - it still bothers me, and I know it shouldn’t! There’s a Tuli documentary coming soon narrated by Thurston Moore.
This was the second copy to come into my possession and was given to me by Dean Wareham when I visited his flat in early 2001 - a story I’ve told many times, most recently in the post in this series about my LP copy of Luna Live.
I’ve only just noticed that the LP has less tracks than my digitsed version - it seems that the CD version had five more tracks on it and someone must have sent a digitised version of the CD.
- Catalogue Number: AHFOW 12/076
- Artist: Various Artists
- Title: What Else Do You Do (a compilation of quiet music).
- Notes: Shimmy Disc copy
- Packaging: Pink sleeve, opened but still has it’s shrink wrap.
- Format: LP