A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
My record collection
[095] Galaxie 500 - On Fire (cassette)
I never really loved the cassette as a format, it was conveniently portable (and CDs never really mastered portability) so I had lots of cassettes, but not many of them were pre-recorded. This Rough Trade CD wasn’t bought back in the day but more recently, when you could get cassettes on eBay for pennies. So not that recently since you can’t buy much Galaxie 500 for pennies these days.

In its previous home this cassette clearly lived in a bright room since the spine has faded to a pale mint green rather than the bright yellowy-green that it should be, in addition the label on the cassette has creases… maybe this is why I picked it up for pennies!?
It has not been played since it came into my possession. I have been playing everything in this series as I come to it but since my cassette deck never made the move to the north east (it was misbehaving anyway and I think I left it with Adam), I shan’t bother playing it now. I am keeping an eye open in the local charity shops†, so maybe when the next cassette of On Fire turns up in the series - and yes, bafflingly I do have two copies - I’ll give that one a listen!
In order to accommodate the shape of the CD the front cover photo has more sky above, and less of Dean on the right - in fact it looks like Dean is actually photobombing a Damon & Naomi shoot :)
- Catalogue Number: AHFOW 16/001
- Artist: Galaxie 500
- Title: On Fire
- Notes: Faded spine on the sleeve
- Format: MC
- Bought from eBay in February 2012 - can’t see what I paid.
- Buy ‘On Fire’ on Bandcamp
Previously in my record collection:
† I do have a couple of crappy portable cassette players but nothing that is worth the effort!