A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
My record collection
Progress report #1 (001 - 050)
So, the first 50 items in my record collection ticked off… lets see how I’m doing.

The randomised spreadsheet is constantly getting massaged, and occasionally added to, so these numbers will vary.
- Total number of entries in the my record collection spreadsheet: 340
- Number posted: 50 (14.7%)
- Estimated completion date: Thursday 7th May 2026
So far:
- Galaxie 500 - 7 posts
- Luna - 14 posts
- Damon & Naomi - 9 posts, of which…
- 5 are Magic Hour posts
- Dean & Britta - 5 posts
- Dean Wareham - 15 posts, of which…
- 4 involve Cheval Sombre
- 1 The Pastels
- 1 Britta Phillips (but not Dean & Britta)
- 1 Pee Shy
- 1 Angel Corpus Christi
Most visited on my website:
- #025: Luna - Bewitched LP
- #002: Luna - Close Cover Before Striking
- #018: Luna - Penthouse (Deluxe)
- #035: Luna - Bewitched
- #042: Angel Corpus Christi - Bewitched: A Tribute to Luna
Most ‘liked’ on Instagram
- #015: Galaxie 500 - Today (Rough Trade US LP)
- #003: Dean Wareham - Emancipated Hearts (CD)
- #004: Luna - Romantica (LP)
- #029: Luna - Speedbumps
- #044: Galaxie 500 - Today
Most Twitter ‘engagements’
- #002: Luna - Close Cover Before Striking
- #044: Galaxie 500 - Today
- #034: Galaxie 500 - On Fire
- #035: Luna - Bewitched
- #036: Dean & Britta - The Carnival is Over
There’s a flickr album of pictures from all the posts.