A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
My record collection
I’ve been a bit neglectful of AHFoW over the last few months - maybe because there hasn’t been a great deal happening in camp-AHFoW - or, more likely, I’ve been in a bit of an imagination slump. A few years ago I did a series of posts looking at the original versions of all the songs covered by AHFoW-related bands - obviously… that’s already a bit out of date so will need q revisit/update at some point - but… not now. I also did a flurry of posts about “Artefacts” in my collection but that fizzled out - I might resurrect that at some point - but… not now.
So, how to fill my time, and my blog!?
My record (and CD) collection is pretty big, although (sadly) not as big as it once was - I downsized considerably before we moved. The Oxfam record shop (and a few other charity shops) in Ealing took literally hundreds of my LPs.
My Discogs collection currently has 2381 entries - that doesn’t include everything I still have, maybe about half?
The ‘A Head Full of Wishes’ folder in my Discogs collection (which probably does have almost of all my AHFoW related releases) numbers 319
After filtering out the more… remote releases (e.g. guest appearances, production credits, etc.) I’m left with just over 200 - although, some are duplicates and I suspect some that have been filtered out maybe shouldn’t have been!
So, I have taken all the releases by Galaxie 500, Damon & Naomi, Luna and Dean & Britta, sorted them randomly, and will try and post something about each of them.
To be honest, I’m not sure that all that many will have a story to tell, and even fewer will have an interesting story - but… I need to try and get myself back in the swing of things. So… this is more for me than you - although please feed back. I know the blog has no comments but I can be found all over social media!
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