A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
#028: Kitten Frenzy no.2
The fantastic fanzine Kitten Frenzy was the work of fab Glasgow band Urusei Yatsura’s Graham Kemp. Issue no. 2 was released in Winter 1993 and had a lovely obituary of Galaxie 500
Farewell then old friend. Though you will be sorely missed, yet there is still time to place vinyl under the needle and drink a cup of Ovaltine to the comforting, comfortless sound of Galaxie 500. I love you.
– Kitten Frenzy no.2
It also had a sweet Galaxie 500 painting by numbers where Damon’s hair was the colour mousy and Naomi’s shorts were the colour dinosaur
I’m not sure how this came into my collection (I certainly didn’t buy it at the time) so suspect some kind soul sent me this ~ if it was you thanks, and sorry for not remembering!
I took the opportunity of reprinting (with permission) these in the Everything’s Swirling ‘zine in 2017.

I am planning an issue #2 of Everything’s Swirling for April - if anyone has any thoughts, art, pictures, cartoons, comics, limericks or words relating to the end of Galaxie 500 please give me a shout.