A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
#026: Comp ticket for Luna in NYC, February 2001
At the beginning of 2001 Luna played a series of dates in various venues across NYC and I convinced Hazel that she would like a weekend break in NYC in February. We arranged to leave the boy with his grandparents and to stay with Bob in NYC for the weekend and we came over.
For the second show, 20 years ago today, Dean said he’d put me on the guestlist but for some reason I wasn’t on the list - or they couldn’t find the list. Bob and I were then taken downstairs while they tried to arrange something. We loitered, and chatted with a Brit in the backroom staff and finally we were supplied with comps.

NYC was freezing but Hazel and I managed lots of walking and plenty of touristy things and I got to see Luna twice.
We also visited Dean in his apartment but that’s a story I’ve told far too many times!
We sat snowbound for a few hours on the tarmac at JFK before finally making it home and retreiving the boy.