A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
A Head Full of Wishes - January update
Tragically I've been carelessly not updating the site nearly as much as I should - it's not as if nothing has been happening I've just been careless and lazy - sorry! Here's a little update on some of what went on over the last month.
Dean Wareham vs Cheval Sombre
After making their debut live performance at the tail of 2018 on the East Coast - the duo were back together for a couple of west coast dates in January. The shows, in Los Angeles and San Francisco, were made up of a set running through most of the fabulous Dean vs. Cheval Sombre cowboy songs LP (only Wandrin' Star failed to get an outing), followed by a Dean Wareham solo set made up of tracks from his solo releases and some Galaxie 500 gems thrown in for good measure.
Sadly I wasn't there so had to enjoy the shows through pals and YouTube…
Damon Krukowski on What is Democracy
Over on Pitchfork Damon has a piece looking at Astra Taylor's documentary _What is Democracy_ through the eyes of the modern music industry…
The resulting narrative is nothing like a cable news debate. All the various thinking in the film combines to a cogent, difficult argument about the troubled relationship between bounded democratic communities and unbounded global capital. To explain that through film, Taylor takes the viewer to Athens, Greece — original locus of democracy, and current home to both a financial and refugee crisis. But to explain it here, I want to take you to Athens, Georgia.
Damon Krukowski - Ways of Hearing
The book of Damon's fantastic podcast Ways of Hearing is getting closer to publication:

The book will be published by MIT Press in April.
Speedy and The Castanets
Over on Twitter venetianblonde posted a picture of Speedy and The Castanets (featuring) Dean and Damon playing, seemingly to no one, in the courtyard of Harvard's Phillips Brooks House:

An interview with Dean Wareham
After the Dean Wareham vs. Cheval Sombre show in New York in December photographer Ellen Qbertplaya carried out a lovely interview with Dean asking important questions about westerns and sandwiches:
My parents played Marty Robbins album Gunfighter Ballads in the house — I imagine a lot of our parents bought that one in the early 1960s. "Wand’rin’ Star" was actually a number 1 hit for Lee Marvin in the UK, on the only song he ever recorded. We should all be so lucky.
Damon Krukowski interviewed on the C86 Show podcast
There's a lovely lengthy interview with Damon talking Galaxie 500 and Damon & Naomi on the splendid C86 Show podcast.
A Head Full of Wishes on Instagram
I'm not sure how long I'll keep it up but over on the A Head Full of Wishes Instagram (@fullofwishes) I'm regularly posting LP, CD, single, artwork, plyus various other bits of memorabilia - join me over there!

Damon on Twitter
And on the subject of social media if you're not already you should be following Damon on Twitter (@dada_drummer) for always smart, insightful, funny and interesting posts - and plenty of Galaxie 500 and Damon & Naomi talk!