A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
Video: Galaxie 500 at Subterania, London in 1990

Some lovely video of Galaxie 500's 1990 show at Subterania in London has just turned up on YouTube. The video includes most of the show and has Kramer joining the band for the encores.
If you'll forgive the indulgence but this show, and probably Ceremony, changed the course of my life and career. Literally, a straight line can be drawn from here to me, sitting at a computer at The National Archives. It goes something like this…
- 27th June 1990 - Galaxie 500 blow me away in London
- November 1994 - I get some free web space and the only thing I can think to do with it is make this Galaxie 500 web site
- October 1999 - As one of the only people in BBC I&A with any web experience I'm roped in to help (mostly) build their new intranet web portal Research Central
- 1999 - 2013 - I work doing web stuff for the BBC until they lose their way, I lose my love of the work and find myself a better job.
- September 2013 to now - I work doing web stuff for The National Archives.