A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
The first (and probably only) A Head Full of Wishes podcast: How does LUNA make you feel?

Over on NPR right now (or down at the bottom of this page) you can listen to a lovely short item on the Luna reunion by journalist Ike Sriskandarajah. But this post is mostly about me… and for that I apologise!
Ike got in touch with me a couple of weeks back when he was prepping this piece asking if I would (or knew of anyone who would) like to record some thoughts about Luna and the reunion for possible use in the show. I did this, but I ended up on the cutting room floor. You'd think that would mean that you don't get the chance to hear 15 seconds of me gushing… and you'd be right.
No! What that means (and I feel I may regret this!) is that you get the full nine minutes of me gushing in the first (and probably only) ever A Head Full of Wishes podcast!
Ike threw a few questions at me in an email and I headed to The Thames at lunchtime and sat on the steps leading down to the river, and talked into my phone. In theory I was trying to answer the questions, but in actual fact I was just streaming whatever came into my head. You can hear the ambience of the River Thames at Kew, you can hear the planes going overhead (all the flipping time) and (at the end) you can hear me saying hello to a dog that came to investigate what I was doing. But mostly, you can just hear me talking about how much I love Luna.
How does LUNA make you feel? The first AHFoW podcast