A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
Fourth of July: Galaxie 500 Day
Every so often I get an idea to have a Fourth of July game because for me the Fourth of July is Galaxie 500 Day although these games tend to have few players (although the ones that that do play produce gems) - I guess partly because of the half-baked idea for a game and partly because apparently Galaxie 500 Day conflicts with some other national holiday (not over here it doesn't - I'll be at work!)...
Anyway... if anyone wants to play along the rules are to produce something that is somehow connected with Galaxie 500's Fourth of July for example...
- A poem, on a dog biscuit
- Proof that the Empire State Building is no bigger than a nickel
- A lonely bed-in
- Or anything else that you feel inspired by
Here are a few submissions from the past:
Simon submitted this sweet narrative song:
Paul sent in this photo of dog decidedly not interested in a poem on a dog biscuit
Ro proved that a nickel is in fact bigger than the Empire State Building