A Head Full of Wishes is a site for Galaxie 500, Luna, Damon & Naomi, Dean & Britta and Dean Wareham. With news, articles and lists of releases and past and future shows.
Galaxie 500 @ Glastonbury 1990

This weekend is the Glastonbury Festival so I'll take the opportunity to lift a bit from Dean Wareham's memoir Black Postcards about Galaxie 500's performance at the festival in 1990:
That Summer we were invited to play some festivals in Europe. First up was Glastonbury. It rained all week leading up to the Glastonbury Festival and the field turned to mud. Our shoes were hosed down before we went on, to clean off the mud we had picked up backstage, where the Happy Mondays were kicking a football around. I looked out at people wearing plastic bags on their feet [...]. We were the first band on the big stage on day one, playing at noon to thirty thousand people. I should have been terrified, but I wasn't. The people were so far away, and I didn't know any of them personally, except for Kramer who was out at the mixing board [...].
Kramer wanted to join us for a few songs, like he had done on the last European tour. But Damon & Naomi didn't want him onstage anymore. They now thought it was a bit strange to have the producer jump onstage with us, and maybe they were right. I said I didn't mind if he played a few songs, but they had made their minds up [...]. In the middle of our third song I heard a sound behind me - it sounded like someone else was playing guitar. Kramer. He had given the house sound engineer some pointers and had quickly made his way through the crowd to the stage, where he found my spare guitar and a spare amplifier. He couldn't resist - he was Kramer. He wanted to play on the big stage at Glastonbury.
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